Julia Matthews, powerhouse and founder of the success that is Two Islands Co, is about to add another title to her resume; Mother.
Julia, or affectionally known as Juls on Instagram, is raw and honest (we love her for that), and has openly talked about why it's okay to feel nervous and scared about impending motherhood - and how that doesn’t make you ungrateful - instead, actually, human. A much overdue conversation in the public space which so many women can relate to.
We interviewed the beautiful mamma-to-be when she was 28 weeks pregnant on all things pregnancy, motherhood and how she feels about bringing a baby into this wild world in three very short months. If you haven't gotten to know her yet, you'll quickly learn Juls is kind, relatable and humorous, and we feel lucky to share this side to her with you.
What was your journey to motherhood like?
I wasn’t sure I could get pregnant naturally (due to low egg count) so froze my eggs around 2 and a half years ago. I then met my current partner and 6 months later we found out we were pregnant. Crazy what life throws at you when you least expect!
What scares you the most about becoming a mother?
Sleep deprivation and not being able to be as committed to my business as I am now.
On the other hand, what excites you the most?
Experiencing that feeling of unconditional love that all parents talk about. It may not happen straight away, but when it does I know it’s going to be amazing. Seeing who he looks like, his personality and being able to show him the world.
Since falling pregnant, has your own relationship with your mother (and grandmother to be) changed?
Not really - I have always been very close to my Mum. We talk almost daily. She has been waiting for me to have a baby for years and years – I was really excited to tell her and now she can’t stop shopping for him and knitting. I love that she loves him so much already before she’s met him.
What are the most important values you hope to instil in your little boy growing up?
To be kind. To respect women. To work hard.
How are you handling the late stages of pregnancy during this time of uncertainty?
3rd trimester is going well, mainly for the fact I’m not feeling sick anymore. Loving rolling out of bed and being able to wear track pants all day, super helpful as I’m not able to fit much of my wardrobe anymore.
What is your favourite self-care ritual?
Getting a facial or pedicure.
Last but not least, what is your favourite way to use COMB?
Run a bath, put COMB in my hair and soak away.
Emily xo
Image credit: Nami Creative